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Bishop J. Nathan Gravely


I would like to tell you a little about myself. As a child, I knew that Jesus had a purpose and calling on my life. My mother, who has transitioned to be with the Lord, would tell people how the other children were playing outside, with the exception of me. She’d find me behind the wing back chair praying. I remember, as a child, standing on the steps of the back porch preaching to the neighborhood children. We didn’t really know a lot but we knew how to shout. Perhaps this is the reason my life has been filled with so much trouble and heartache. But I remain happy because my Lord, Jesus Christ continues to deliver me.


I am the oldest of three children by my father’s second marriage to my mother. We would be considered, by today’s standards, as being poor. But, we didn’t know it. My mother always made sure that we received the best she had to offer. We’d wear the same clothes to school everyday and change into out play and chore clothes when we got home. Oh, we were teased but it was all we had.  In reflecting, I think that my childhood has caused me to better appreciate what God has given me, today.


I have an Associates degree in Applied Science, a Bachelor’s of Science degree, and a Master’s of Science degree. I have also completed some seminary courses. I started my preaching ministry March 31, 1978 at Mount Sinai Apostle Church in Martinsville, Virginia under the pastorate of Bishop J.C. Richardson, Sr. The call to pastor came October, 1982.  I was blessed by God and was able to purchase five acres of land and start the building process of the New Jerusalem Apostle Church of Christ in God.   Bishop H.C. Eggleston, pastor of Shiloh Way of the Cross, baptized me in Jesus name when I was nine years of age. I received the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, at the age of 16. I currently am affiliated with World Assemblies of Restoration, headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. Bishop James D. Nelson, Sr. is the presider. I serve as diocesan Bishop of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. My main focus is to be of service to humanity and be saved.